Enrollment Closes In...


90 Days to Confidence and Comfort
at the Piano

Dramatically and permanently improve your piano playing in just 13 weeks, using simple, easy-to-learn techniques

Take your piano playing to the next level... even if you're a beginner!

Enrollment Closes In...


Do you ever just feel stuck

when you sit down at the piano?

It can feel really frustrating to sit down in front of that
beautiful instrument and not know what - or how - to play next.

Have you ever heard or seen another piano player and wondered exactly how they made those beautiful sounds at the piano? I mean, it can't be that difficult, right? It's just a repeating collection of 12 keys! And how do they know just the right notes to play?!

Maybe you have a "fake book" or two - those books with hundreds of songs in "lead sheet" format - just melody and chords. How in the world do you create an arrangement from that? How do create a rhythm or style, or a decent left-hand bass?

Do you have difficulty getting your right and left hands to work together, playing a rhythmic left-hand bass line while your right hand tries to simultaneously play melody or chords?

You might even be a pretty decent piano player already, but - like I was years ago - you're tied to sheet music like a ball and chain, unable to improvise, inject some of your own creative ideas into your playing, or just make up something of your own whenever you like.

I experienced all of these frustrations myself years ago, and it took me a couple years of jazz piano lessons and another handful of years studying "dueling pianos" with piano bar players before everything finally clicked for me. And once it did, my entire piano-playing life changed for the better.

But you won't have to spend years studying piano like I did! I wanted to find a way to help as many piano lovers as possible experience the same sense of freedom and comfort at the piano that I felt... without spending all that time or money on traditional lessons.

And that's why I created...

Chord Piano Bootcamp

Chord Piano Bootcamp is a 13-week video piano course available
online or as a 10-DVD set (which includes online access) that will elevate your comfort level at the piano to new heights and give you all the tools and techniques you need to sit down at the piano and just play... from a lead sheet, from memory, or completely from scratch, improvising over an existing tune or making up your own music as you go.

Enrollment Open For A Very Limited Time!

Here’s What You’ll Learn

Chord Piano Bootcamp is organized into 13 weekly lessons, each with a homework assignment. Once you enroll in the online course or order the 10-DVD set, you’ll get immediate access to all the lessons at once, so you can go through the course at your own pace, but I do recommend giving your brain a rest between each week’s lessons. :-)

Play Professional Piano Sounds

No more guessing! I'll show you how to read any chord symbol and how to build any chord from scratch. You'll learn exactly how to play beautiful sounding chords... just like the pros!

Lose The Sheet Music "Ball and Chain"

If you already play the piano but feel "imprisoned" by sheet music, you'll finally be free of your sheet music dependence as you create your own variations, embellishments and compositions!

Learn and Remember Songs Faster

Once you understand the beautiful, but simple, underlying structure of most songs, how chords work together, and a new language to describe that structure, you'll hear and learn new songs more easily and remember them longer.

Create Your Own Arrangements

You'll learn how chords work together and how to use a few simple techniques to create just any style of music on the piano, which means you can create your own beautiful, lightning-fast arrangements of your favorite songs using little or no sheet music!

Course Syllabus

Here's exactly what we'll cover each week in Chord Piano Bootcamp...


Week 1: Chord Piano Foundation

Music notation review and some of the types of music, books and software you may need or want throughout this course.


Week 2: Chords!

How to build chords from scratch, where to play them, and how to think about them in ways that don't rely on you reading or memorizing sheet music.


Week 3: Chord Progressions

Stringing chords together into sequences that make a unique sound, called a chord progression, and which progressions you will find most often in popular music.


Week 4: World's Most Popular Chord Progression

This amazing chord progression can be found in probably 70-95% of all music, in one form or another. You'll learn what it is, what it sounds like, and why it's so useful.


Week 5: Left and Right Hands Working Together

This week is all about getting your hands to play nicely with each other, creating unique rhythms and styles as they work both independently and simultaneously.


Week 6: Rhythms and Bass

You'll learn a BUNCH of different rhythms and style examples to use whenever you want to quickly create just about any type of sound or "feel" on the piano.


Week 7: Playing Melody and Chords Together

Playing the melody with left-hand bass and right hand chords can be a little tricky, but the secret is to not overcomplicate things. You'll learn how to do it simply and effectively.


Week 8: Advanced Chords

This week, we'll go deeper into more advanced chord voicings and alterations you can apply to "plain" chords you come across in your playing. You've got to be careful how often you do this, but done the right way, you can make songs sound really special!


Week 9: Walking Bass and Fills

Walking bass is one of the coolest techniques on the piano - I don't use it a lot, but when I do, I really rely on it to make a great, professional sounding arrangement. Simple "fills" can also add that extra professional touch to your playing.


Week 10: Introductions

How to create simple, nice-sounding intros, and some examples of introductions of famous songs that you can include in your own repertoire.


Week 11: Endings

Just like introductions, these simple endings can put a nice finishing touch on just about any song and will make a great addition to your piano "toolbox."


Week 12: Improvisation

Now we'll REALLY start putting together everything we've covered as we get into various improvisation techniques, from simple to advanced.


Week 13: Putting It All Together

Finally, we put all the previous weeks' concepts together as we learn to create a complete arrangement of any song you like, including your own!


Week 14 (Bonus Week): Example Songs

Surprise! I just couldn't finish up without looking at some popular tunes and lead sheets, including "Last Date" by Floyd Cramer, "Girl From Ipanema," "You Are The Sunshine Of My Life," and "Fly Me To The Moon." You'll find a few other classic songs to work with in the bonus materials that come with Chord Piano Bootcamp (keep reading!).


And if that wasn't enough, these bonus courses will really help you lock in your new piano skills!

When you enroll in Chord Piano Bootcamp today, you'll also get immediate access to over $175 worth of bonus courses and resources. Here's exactly what you'll get...

Bonus 1
Piano Scales... FAST!
Online Video Course
(Regularly $47)

It may sound boring, but scales are absolutely one of the keys to being able to move around more easily on the piano, improvise, create left-hand bass lines, and so much more. This course might just be the last piano scale reference you'll ever need.

With more than 2 hours of over-my-shoulder video lessons and my visual, "music-less" ebook guide to 19 unique scales in all 12 keys (that's over 200 scales!), this bonus course will help your fingers move just about anywhere on the piano with ease, glide smoothly between chords, create simple bass lines, supercharge your improvisation skills, and give you a virtually endless supply of melody ideas for your own compositions!

Bonus 2
"Route 66"
Lead Sheet Breakdown
Online Course
(Regularly $27)

So, what in the world is a
"Lead Sheet Breakdown"?

It's a lesson format I came up with not long ago, where I take a lead sheet for a popular song (that's usually a single page containing just melody and chords), analyze the melody, chords and song structure, then build a complete arrangement for the piano, complete with intros, endings, chord alterations, embellishments and improvisation.

"Route 66" is a classic song and a great example of 12-bar blues structure and how to use walking bass. You'll be swinging in no time!

Bonus 3
Lead Sheet Breakdown
Online Course
(Regularly $27)

Since you already know what a "Lead Sheet Breakdown" is, so I don't need to explain that!

But "Stardust," a beautiful ballad written by Hoagy Carmichael, does not use the same techniques or styles as "Route 66." In fact, "Stardust" is the song that I chose to kick off my entire Lead Sheet Breakdown series.

This lesson shows you how to build a simple bass+chord pattern that keeps the song moving along, how to create the rich, beautiful chords this song deserves, and how to put everything together into a beautiful arrangement of this timeless classic.

Bonus 4
"Music-less" Chord and Scale Charts

You probably won't need to use a chord chart much after Chord Piano Bootcamp, but I've included one for you as a reference anyway :-) In case you don't have it already, this monster chord reference shows you - visually, with no sheet music - how to play 31 chord variations in every single key. That's 372 chords!

You'll also have access to the complete scale chart from my Piano Scales... FAST! course, so you'll never be at a loss wondering how to play a certain scale or chord.

Bonus 5
Online Piano Chord "Calculator"

Imagine being able to type virtually any chord symbol into a web page, and colored squares appear on the keys of a piano to show you exactly how to play that chord!

Well, imagine no more, because that's exactly what my amazing little piano chord "calculator" does for you.

From basic to advanced chords, just type it in, and you'll see the notes that make up that chord. You probably want to change the voicing a bit, or maybe leave a few notes out, but this nifty little calculator will certainly get you off on the right food (or hand!).

Bonus 6
"Danny Boy" Video Piano Lesson

Although not a full-fledged "Lead Sheet Breakdown," this video and lead sheet combination will show you how to create a beautiful arrangement of the Irish classic, "Danny Boy."

You'll also learn how to use the most well-known chord progressions to create professional sounds from a relatively simple little song.

Check it out before you start Chord Piano Bootcamp or once you get just a few modules into the course.

Bonus 7
Runs, Fills and Licks Online Piano Course
(Regularly $47)

These 40 quick, easy piano riffs - in video and sheet music "mini-lesson" format - will help you instantly transform your piano playing, fill your "piano toolbox" with the same tools the pros use, and impress your family and friends with simple, great-sounding piano licks

You'll also have access to the complete scale chart from my Piano Scales... FAST! course, so you'll never be at a loss wondering how to play a certain scale or chord.

Bonus 8
Rock 'n' Roll Piano... FAST! Online Course
(Regularly $27)

Learn to play professional-sounding rock 'n' roll piano in under ONE HOUR without reading a single note of piano music!

Not only will you learn the basics of rock and roll piano, but I'll also show you how to apply those basics to three of the greatest rock and roll songs of all time:

"Johnny B. Goode"
"Old Time Rock and Roll," and
"Great Balls of Fire

Your Instructor,
Bill Romer

I've been playing piano for over 45 years, ever since I was old enough to sit down at my Mom's Wurlitzer spinet and ask for help sight-reading her stacks of old sheet music. For the past 30+ years, I've played piano professionally as a soloist for private parties, weddings, funerals, masses and other church services; as a member of a rock and roll cover band, where I shared lead vocal duties; as part of small jazz ensembles and big bands for country clubs and corporate events; as part of a "dueling pianos" team, playing and singing rock, hip hop, country, jazz and standards for wedding receptions, fundraisers, festivals, corporate parties, and special events; and as part of a top 40 wedding reception band, where I met my wife of 20+ years.

It took me a few years in the corporate world to realize that music was my true calling in life. Now, after many years and 1000's of gigs, my goal is to share my love of music - and simple, professional-sounding piano techniques - with as many people as possible.

Here’s what others are saying...

Here's just a sample of the wonderful feedback I've gotten from subscribers and students about Chord Piano Bootcamp and my other courses and lessons...

The greatest achievement has been the increase in my self confidence

I am 78 years old and I began taking piano lessons 5 years ago. This is something I always wanted to do but was afraid that because I wasn't loaded with natural talent I would be unable to play the piano. I have even surprised myself and while I will never be a concert pianist I have reached a level that I get a lot of enjoyment out of playing. I have bought several courses from Bill and all of them have helped me understand the basics of playing. I have a very busy schedule and I was not sure I would be able to devote the time needed for the course. I found the course was fun and I could see some improvement with each lesson. I was sold on Bill Romer. His instruction his great. He doesn't look down on his students. He lifts them up and encourages their progress. The times I have had questions I got a quick response from Bill.

I believe the greatest achievement has been the increase in my self confidence.

Jim Free

I have taken other online courses, but yours are more personable.

I was looking for an all around education. Between walking bass, fills, to improvisation. All-in- all I did find what I was looking for here.

To me, the Bootcamp had everything I was looking for - a little bit of that a little bit of this. I have taken other online courses - they are good and helpful but yours are more personable. I like it because it seems you're talking to me and not just anyone who bought the course.

This course is a wholly self-contained college level (my opinion) adventure in piano / music.

John Iabone

The BEST MUSICAL INVESTMENT... in the last 3 years

​Finding you on the internet was the greatest piano blessing that I have discovered. Purchasing your product is the BEST MUSICAL INVESTMENT that I have spent my money on in the last 3 years. And believe me... Over the past 3 years I have invested literally thousands of dollars in CD's, Tapes, Books, Music Lessons.

Tony Willis

No words to tell you what this means to me

​I have been looking for 40 years to learn what you showed me in 30 min. I have no words to tell you what this means to me.

Don Mallory

The best I have seen in terms of communicating how music works

​Your information, together with your follow-up program is the best I have seen in terms of communicating how music works, especially to those who are intimidated by notes, staffs, clefs, rests, etc. In my case, I have always been able to "hear" the chords I wanted - now that I have your book, I am able to play most of them as well.

Richard Narrell

Your attention to detail... is why I chose you.

Thanks for all the work you put into these videos. Your attention to detail, the thoughtful way you approach displaying your work, including your wise use of technology, is why I chose you.

Gary Guy

Keeps me motivated to be the best I can be

The way you explain things keeps me motivated to learn and be the best I can be.

Mike A.

A sincere thank you from a devoted student

Watching your instructions gave me a new-found respect for guys like you who take the time to make the tutorials of this quality and level of professionalism so often lacking in other so-called "pro arrangements". I am deeply thankful.

A sincere thank you from a devoted student.

Eddie Tupaz

The True Value Of This Training... AND Your Time...

I have literally spent years of my life and $1000's of dollars of my own money learning the techniques I share with you in Chord Piano Bootcamp. In fact, the 13 weeks of lessons in this course are roughly the equivalent of 6 months of traditional private piano lessons.

And when you add in the $175+ worth of bonus courses and lessons,
the true value of Chord Piano Bootcamp is certainly over $2200.

But I created this course to help as many people as I can - piano players just like you - experience the same transformation I did in a much shorter amount of time.

That's why I'm making Chord Piano Bootcamp available during this open enrollment period for a very special price. Just click on the "One-Time Payment" or "3 Monthly Installments" link below to see the special open enrollment pricing.

Chord Piano bootcamp Online Piano course

Immediate access to Chord Piano Piano Bootcamp online and all bonus courses.



  • Lifetime Online Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
  • Piano Scales... FAST! Online Course
  • "Stardust" Lead Sheet Breakdown Online
  • "Route 66" Lead Sheet Breakdown Online
  • "Music-less" chord and scale charts
  • "Danny Boy" online video piano lesson
  • Online Piano Chord Calculator
  • Runs, Fills & Licks Online Course
  • Rock 'n' Roll Piano Online Course
chord piano bootcamp 10-dvd set + online access

Immediate access to Chord Piano Bootcamp online + 10-DVD set shipped to you.



  • Lifetime Online Access
  • 10-DVD Set, shipping included
  • Access to All Modules
  • Piano Scales... FAST! Online Course
  • "Stardust" Lead Sheet Breakdown Online
  • "Route 66" Lead Sheet Breakdown Online
  • "Music-less" chord and scale charts
  • "Danny Boy" online video piano lesson
  • Online Piano Chord Calculator
  • Runs, Fills & Licks Online Course
  • Rock 'n' Roll Piano Online Course
Chord Piano Bootcamp Online Piano Course

Immediate access to Chord Piano Piano Bootcamp online and all bonus courses.



/month x3

  • Lifetime Online Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
  • Piano Scales... FAST! Online Course
  • "Stardust" Lead Sheet Breakdown Online
  • "Route 66" Lead Sheet Breakdown Online
  • "Music-less" chord and scale charts
  • "Danny Boy" online video piano lesson
  • Online Piano Chord Calculator
  • Runs, Fills & Licks Online Course
  • Rock 'n' Roll Piano Online Course
Chord Piano Bootcamp 10-DVD Set + Online Access

Immediate access to Chord Piano Bootcamp online + 10-DVD set shipped to you.



/month x3

  • Lifetime Online Access
  • 10-DVD Set, shipping included
  • Access to All Modules
  • Piano Scales... FAST! Online Course
  • "Stardust" Lead Sheet Breakdown Online
  • "Route 66" Lead Sheet Breakdown Online
  • "Music-less" chord and scale charts
  • "Danny Boy" online video piano lesson
  • Online Piano Chord Calculator
  • Runs, Fills & Licks Online Course
  • Rock 'n' Roll Piano Online Course

Enrollment Closes In...


30-Day, Money-Back
100% Satisfaction Guarantee

I’m so confident that you’ll love Chord Piano Bootcamp that I back it up with a 30-day, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied, just shoot us a message through our support desk and we’ll issue you a prompt, no-fuss refund.

That means you can try out Chord Piano Bootcamp with absolutely no risk!

The Choice Is Yours

Because of the time and technical effort required to maintain this course, and in order to give personal attention to students, I’ll only be accepting new enrollments for the next few days.

So if you want to make serious progress with your piano playing and significantly increase your comfort level at the keyboard, without spending a ton of money and time on traditional piano lessons, then I invite you to enroll in Chord Piano Bootcamp today.

If you’re completely happy with your current piano abilities and feel there’s no room for improvement, then, frankly, this course is probably not for you.

If you plan on piecing together piano lessons from various sources - offline or online - and hoping it will all click at some point, then I suggest you keep looking elsewhere.

But if you’ll spend just 13 weeks with me, learning the chord piano secrets it took me over 40 years to finally locate, and if you put in just a little bit of regular practice time that I suggest, I guarantee you’ll come away a better, more comfortable piano player.

In fact, since you’re protected by my 30-day money-back guarantee,
you have absolutely no risk in trying it out!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to complete the course in 13 weeks?

How long will I have access to the online material?

Can I download the videos to watch them offline?

Can I get help if I'm having difficulty with something?

Are the bonus courses online or on DVD?

Do I need a piano to benefit from this course?

Chord Piano bootcamp Online Piano course

Immediate access to Chord Piano Piano Bootcamp online and all bonus courses.



  • Lifetime Online Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
  • Piano Scales... FAST! Online Course
  • "Stardust" Lead Sheet Breakdown Online
  • "Route 66" Lead Sheet Breakdown Online
  • "Music-less" chord and scale charts
  • "Danny Boy" online video piano lesson
  • Online Piano Chord Calculator
  • Runs, Fills & Licks Online Course
  • Rock 'n' Roll Piano Online Course
chord piano bootcamp 10-dvd set + online access

Immediate access to Chord Piano Bootcamp online + 10-DVD set shipped to you.



  • Lifetime Online Access
  • 10-DVD Set, shipping included
  • Access to All Modules
  • Piano Scales... FAST! Online Course
  • "Stardust" Lead Sheet Breakdown Online
  • "Route 66" Lead Sheet Breakdown Online
  • "Music-less" chord and scale charts
  • "Danny Boy" online video piano lesson
  • Online Piano Chord Calculator
  • Runs, Fills & Licks Online Course
  • Rock 'n' Roll Piano Online Course
Chord Piano Bootcamp Online Piano Course

Immediate access to Chord Piano Piano Bootcamp online and all bonus courses.



/month x3

  • Lifetime Online Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
  • Piano Scales... FAST! Online Course
  • "Stardust" Lead Sheet Breakdown Online
  • "Route 66" Lead Sheet Breakdown Online
  • "Music-less" chord and scale charts
  • "Danny Boy" online video piano lesson
  • Online Piano Chord Calculator
  • Runs, Fills & Licks Online Course
  • Rock 'n' Roll Piano Online Course
Chord Piano Bootcamp 10-DVD Set + Online Access

Immediate access to Chord Piano Bootcamp online + 10-DVD set shipped to you.



/month x3

  • Lifetime Online Access
  • 10-DVD Set, shipping included
  • Access to All Modules
  • Piano Scales... FAST! Online Course
  • "Stardust" Lead Sheet Breakdown Online
  • "Route 66" Lead Sheet Breakdown Online
  • "Music-less" chord and scale charts
  • "Danny Boy" online video piano lesson
  • Online Piano Chord Calculator
  • Runs, Fills & Licks Online Course
  • Rock 'n' Roll Piano Online Course

A personal note

Playing piano should be fun! And I'm here to tell you that you do not need years of traditional piano lessons to be able to sit down and play your favorite songs, improvise, or even write your own music. But it will take a little practice, and you will need to focus on the right things. That's what Chord Piano Bootcamp is all about.

I like to think of myself as an "applied pianist" - I want to apply the theory and techniques I learn (and share with you) as quickly as possible, so I can play the songs I want to play... as soon as possible! I'm guessing you'd like the same thing.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the skills you'll learn in Chord Piano Bootcamp are the exact same skills that changed my piano-playing life forever. If you'd like to experience that same transformation and feel much more comfortable at the piano, I invite you to join me. Remember, with my 30-day money-back guarantee, you have nothing to lose and a lifetime of piano-playing joy to gain!
